3 Replies to “By Charles Murray What It Means to Be a Libertarian (Reprint)”

  1. Personal Freedom And Personal Responsibility – Opportunity Missed Hey folks,Charles Murray has a great talent for explaining and simplifying things. Libertarian thought is very much targeted toward personal freedom and personal responsibility and the rights of other folks to also have personal freedom and responsibility. Murray’s “interpretation” of libertarian principals is very astute and should be simple for us as a society to accomplish. While I applaud his idealism and hope for our libertarian future, the negative skeptic in me…

  2. A Compelling Vision Charles Murray introduces the reader to his view of Libertarianism,with a “small l”. The vision painted by Murray in the 180 or so pages is nothing short of revolutionary. The pros and cons of a libertarian society are rationally explored, and the common and expected objections are hit head-on by the author in a practical way that both makes the reader think about the possibility that libertarianism just might be a solution to some of the country’s ills, but also allows for the admission that…

  3. A concise, readable overview of libertarian thought. The book can serve as an introduction to someone exploring the topic and presents some of the most fundamental anti-big-government arguments, eg. the trendline test or the regulation opt-out thought experiment.The reader should note, however, that this is only the author’s personal interpretation of libertarianism and does not provide a comprehensive overview. Indeed, Murray’s “small” government features services such as a…

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