2 Replies to “Conformicide”

  1. The Havok Album We Need Right Now… This album is fantastic from start to finish. Political and powerful, but not in the typical way. Lyrical content, think more “Dystopia”-era Megadeth. In my opinion the message is quite libertarian-leaning, which I love. Starts off with a bang with the opening song “F.P.C.” (F*** Political Correctness). Other songs deal with media and political deception, violent religious ideology, and Orwellian “newspeak.” Musically, pointed vocals, thrashing guitars, and wicked…

  2. Havok’s best work by far!!! A true thrash masterpiece!!! m/ m/ My first time listening to Havok I think was somewhere back in 2013 when I listened to songs such as “D.O.A”., “Covering Fire”, “Cradle to the Grave”, “Morbid Symmetry”, and “Give Me Liberty…Or Give Me Death” on YouTube, and I was really impressed and blown away with what I heard. I was also fortunate enough to see them live with Soulfly down in Chippewa Falls back in late October later that year and since then, I’ve bought their first three studio…

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