Freedom and Virtue: The Conservative/ Libertarian Debate

The long-running debates between between conservatives and libertarians are vigorous and highly charged, dealing with ideas about the very nature of liberty and morality. Like no other single work, Freedom and Virtue explores what unites and divides the adherents of these two important American traditions―shedding much light on our current political landscape.

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2 Replies to “Freedom and Virtue: The Conservative/ Libertarian Debate”

  1. Excellent insights into conservative, libertarian and fusionist perspectives I give five stars to books that would make my short list of recommendations that everyone read within a certain domain of life, because of the significant insights provided. This book (in its 1998 Revised and Updated edition) should be read by anyone interested in conservatism, libertarianism, or a fusion of the two.The updated edition begins with the brief essay “Do-It-Yourself Conservatism?” by M. Morton Auerbach, printed in the January 30, 1962 edition of National Review,…

  2. A FASCINATING SERIES OF ESSAYS BY PROMINENT REPRESENTATIVES OF BOTH SIDES This 1984 publication is a collections of essays by some “giants” of these two sides (e.g., Robert Nisbet; John Hospers; Murray Rothbard; Russell Kirk; M. Stanton Evans; Paul Kurtz, etc.) Each one contributes an essay.Editor George Carey notes, “In contrast to the libertarian position, most conservatives… emphasize the need for authority and order for the achievement and perpetuation of the good and just society.” He adds, “Conservatives, concerned as they are with virtue,…

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