Libertarian Leadership: Planting the Seed for a Libertarian Future

In this book you will discover:

  • Why right now is the best opportunity in history to regain and strengthen freedom in America.
  • How minimal effort on your part can turn America around.
  • How to create a healthy, safe, and prosperous country.
  • How this book can improve every aspect of your life.
  • How self responsibility, good character, and action can influence politics

“Each and every chapter I read, the same thought came to me: I wish I had written this book.  Michael Pickens has nicely summarized dozens of communication and leadership tips, tricks, and techniques, along with great examples, that I have sub-consciously used for years.  I keep saying to myself: YES, YES, YES!” – Mark Hinkle, Libertarian Party Chairman 2010-12

“This powerful book is packed full of practical concepts that will help to develop strong leaders within the Liberty Movement” – Judge Jim Gray, 2012 Libertarian Vice Presidential Candidate

“This book is a must read for those who choose to make the world a better place for their family, their neighbors, their community, and our country as a whole.” – Tom C. Liotta, Author, “Creating Champions for Life”

I see how the constitution has been eroding year after year and the negative results that it has had for the American people. This book is a must read for anyone who would like to restore good health, real safety, and prosperity to the American people. Get this book NOW! Before time runs out.” – Larry Nicholas, Chairman, Washington State Libertarian Party

Product Features

  • Used Book in Good Condition

3 Replies to “Libertarian Leadership: Planting the Seed for a Libertarian Future”

  1. An outstanding mix of personal growth, inspiration & logic! Wow, this book is a long time coming. Those of us working towards Libertarian ideals know the issues we face and how many changes we’ll need to see in order to right our society, but this book actually gives us the tools to begin making those changes. This author is a truly inspiring leader who understands what it takes to get the job done and we’re lucky to have his focus be on bringing Libertarian leadership to light in this country. Not only does he write about Libertarianism, but also…

  2. Interesting and Inspiring This book is a must read for those who are concerned for their country. Like the author I too want to make this a better world for my children. As a libertarian I have often considered running for office or getting involved in politics, but did not know how to start or what to expect. This book offers many communication and leadership techniques which can help you along that way with examples to show you how they work. Inspirational I must say and gave me food for thought as I look towards…

  3. Branding is widely recognized as a serious matter in today’s global information universe, and many well-meaning and enthusiastic liberty lovers have inadvertently acted to brand the Libertarian ideal as looney, exclusive, or even hostile to the free exchange of ideas.Libertarian Leadership provides us with the means to avoid such mistakes and to repair those already made.C. Michael Pickens is clear, concise, elegant, and persuasive in detailing a blueprint for getting the message of…

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