Libertarianism in a Nutshell

Have you heard the word “libertarian” a lot in current political talks? Do you believe that the government isn’t designed to shape the way people live their lives? If you answered “Yes” then this book will explain how you may already be a Libertarian. Do you understand what libertarians stand for? Do you understand the Non-Aggression Principle? Do you think that we should be engaged in endless wars? Do you think that the government should tell people how to live their lives? Do you think the current Republican vs. Democrat political banter is actually fixing anything? If you answered “No” to these questions, you defeinitly should pick this up. In a conversational style, Libertarianism in a Nutshell presents a broad stroke overview and applications of the libertarian principles of governance. It also discusses the 4 types of Libertarians that exist so that you might understand from which facet of the Libertarian spectrum they are coming from.

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  • Libertarianism in a Nutshell

3 Replies to “Libertarianism in a Nutshell”

  1. Well Done Sir! Wow, I literally could not put this down. Nice work Mr. Barksdale!Quick takeaways:*Taxation is Theft.*Property Tax is Extortion*Mississippi politics is run by the F.B.I. (Friends, brothers, and In-Laws) *Love it!*The wall that was erected between church and state works both ways.*Lobbyist are like vampires*TARP was possibly premeditated*Civil Asset forfeiture fuels corruptionThe last chapter, “Applying the Principles of…

  2. Very informative and concise book. Don’t let the size of this book fool you it is jam packed with very good and relevant material for both; the seasoned libertarian or those that have just heard the term and wish to learn more. The chapters flow in an orderly progression and get more in depth as each progresses. The foreword by Danny Bedwell is worth the cost of the book alone and makes the actual book a freebie. I read it in an afternoon while the idiot box raged in the background with talking heads attempting to show the…

  3. As a person who’s always proudly stated their a republican, with classical liberal beliefs, I’ve recently found myself in a dilemma since the GOP has decided to abandon their platform principles of limited government. I’ve decided to recently consider myself a “political free agent” because I can no longer call myself a republican.Back in 2012, the author of the preface, Danny Bedwell, began speaking to me about the Libertarian Party. Though I felt I aligned with the LP on…

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