Selfish Libertarians and Socialist Conservatives?: The Foundations of the Libertarian-Conservative Debate

In Selfish Libertarians and Socialist Conservatives?, Nathan W. Schlueter and Nikolai G. Wenzel present a lively debate over the essential questions that divide two competing political philosophies. Wenzel―a libertarian who believes the state should be restricted to protecting life, liberty, and property―and Schlueter―a conservative who thinks the state has a larger role to play in protecting public welfare, safety, and morals―explore the fundamental similarities and differences between their respective positions. Over a series of point-counterpoint chapters, they lay out the essential tenets of their own stances, critiquing the other. This engaging dialogue introduces readers to the foundations of each political philosophy. To vividly illustrate the diverging principles underlying conservatism and libertarianism, the authors explore three different hot-button case studies: marriage, immigration, and education. Compact, accessible, and complete with suggestions for further reading, Selfish Libertarians and Socialist Conservatives? is an ideal teaching tool that places these two political perspectives in fruitful dialogue with one another.

3 Replies to “Selfish Libertarians and Socialist Conservatives?: The Foundations of the Libertarian-Conservative Debate”

  1. This book is a joy to read because it is filled with insight This book is a joy to read because it is filled with insight. It offers a rigorous and academic, though not inaccessible, introduction to and argument for each of the two main philosophies of limited government in our day. Anyone who loves human freedom, human rights, and/or good management will have to consider seriously one of these two positions, for their alternative is unlimited government — unlimited in scope of authority over people; unlimited in bureaucratic size. While I am sure that,…

  2. Must Read! I’ve always fallen towards the conservative side of the political spectrum. This book gets to the bottomline assumptions of both political philosophies with regards not only to political policy but interestingly with regard to human nature as well. In the end, I did not find Wenzel (the libertarian) to be convincing and actually made a contradictory statement which in my opinion undermines his whole libertarian philosophy. Schueleter essentially asked, “What about those who disagree with…

  3. An Excellent Synthesis of the Best These Traditions Have to Offer Dr. Schlueter and Dr. Wenzel provide an excellent treatment and overview of the fundamental issues at play in the libertarian-conservative debate. The particular phrase, “The Foundations…” in the title of this work is especially appropriate, as these two examine the various economic, historic, and philosophical thoughts which contribute to the framework of the debate; each examining particular strands of thought within their own respective traditions, defending a particular strand…

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