Short Answers to the Tough Questions: How to Answer the Questions Libertarians Are Often Asked

Do you have questions about the libertarian philosophy? Do you want to explain it to family and friends in a short but compelling way? Do you want examples of how liberty works in the real world rather than just an ivory-tower theory?

In Short Answers to the Tough Questions, Dr. Ruwart has compiled hundreds of questions and her short, succinct answers from her 15-year web column with The Advocates for Self-Government.

Short Answers is a great resource for libertarians, candidates, and those who are exploring what libertarianism is all about. Dr. Ruwart’s award-winning book, Healing Our World, which is available on Amazon, makes a great complement to this audiobook.

2 Replies to “Short Answers to the Tough Questions: How to Answer the Questions Libertarians Are Often Asked”

  1. Great Intro Into Libertarianism I’ve just started reading this book, and I’m very glad to have it. I’m been following Mary since she gave a presentation on how to Die With Dignity. I’ve always been pro limited government/pro personal freedom & responsibility, and this book very nicely explains the basic concepts of Libertarianism to those who are curious. A worthy read for those of us who want answers to political questions that will open the door to solutions and not just complaining.Update: 04.25.2018: I love…

  2. Interesting quick read for Libertarians, both new and seasoned I liked this book a lot. It seemed to have a wide range of answers to questions that Libertarians might be posed or might be wondering about themselves. It had some stuff in it that was pretty obvious plain old non-aggression principle stuff that might be great for readers who are just starting to explore libertarian principles. It also had some stuff in it that was food for thought even for more seasoned Libertarians. And there were, as promised, great answers to help quickly explain…

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