Why are almost all libertarians rich male and white

31 Jul 2012 Libertarianism isn't some cutting-edge political philosophy that somehow transcends the traditional “left to right” spectrum. Simpson, the Million Man March, Ebonics, or affirmative action—almost every black person I knew, . Look, rich people have manipulated the government Continue reading Why are almost all libertarians rich male and white

Get A Grip On Reality, Libertarians — Start Winning Some Elections!

Some libertarians are angry that I publicly admit I won't win. But this is the quintessential problem with the Libertarian Party—many members I've met are unrealistic. After a year of attending conferences, executive committee meetings, and party functions, I've come Continue reading Get A Grip On Reality, Libertarians — Start Winning Some Elections!

New York Libertarians lose first battle in pistol permit challenge

The challenge, brought by seven New Yorkers and the Libertarian Party of Erie County, was a constitutional claim against the state's century-old firearm laws on both Second and 14th Amendment grounds. In a nutshell, the claimants argued the state did Continue reading New York Libertarians lose first battle in pistol permit challenge

An Open Letter to Crypto-Wealthy Libertarians, Voluntarists, and Anarchists

If you can't move, please fund the New Hampshire-based libertarian activism you like with your crypto. You may not be able to move because of family or career or whatever, but if New Hampshire succeeds (and we've already begun) at Continue reading An Open Letter to Crypto-Wealthy Libertarians, Voluntarists, and Anarchists

Disruption games: why are libertarians lining up with autocrats to undermine democracy?

Along with the flag-waving and calls for 'freedom' from Madrid, the furore that followed the vote unleashed some of the darker elements that have haunted recent turbulent episodes in Europe and America: fake news, Russian mischief and, marching oddly in Continue reading Disruption games: why are libertarians lining up with autocrats to undermine democracy?