Libertarianism, Virtue, and the Government… Inspired by Rand Paul speech from yesterday

I am breaking my posts from @dwinblood into subjects so people who are interested in only certain things I write can follow just my sub-accounts dedicated to the subjects they like. As such, this @becauseisaidso will take on the bulk Continue reading Libertarianism, Virtue, and the Government… Inspired by Rand Paul speech from yesterday

If you like libertarianism, here is the book the ayn rand basically plagiarized, about a Henry Galt …

If you like libertarianism, here is the book the ayn rand basically plagiarized, about a Henry Galt that did the ex ∞ mises · Take a look. The rate of return on everything ∞ marginal · Marginal Revolution- Henry George, Continue reading If you like libertarianism, here is the book the ayn rand basically plagiarized, about a Henry Galt …