2 Replies to “The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin”

  1. Good History of an Alternative to Current Monetary Control Much, much better than I thought it would be, esp from the sort of silly start, and not the infomercial I feared, but a nice overview of the history of the bitcoin. They didn’t delve deeply into the white paper behind it (if you have the math knowledge for that, you are free to research it yourself) but most questions were answered. Both sides of the possible futures of bitcoin were laid out. I would have liked it if they had explained our present monetary system a bit more and how tightly it…

  2. Very good video – Great idea – Pretty shaky (in my opinion) For me this was a great documentary on Bitcoin, seeing as how I did not understand much about it, after hearing and reading about it in the media. Now after watching I think the concept is really a great thing, as far as it has its own value that cannot be changed by anyone, and has a value that can be used universally around the globe. I still don’t completely understand how Bitcoins are “mined,” or how to acquire them, but it looks like they have to be purchased with hard cash using…

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