What It Means to Be a Libertarian: A Personal Interpretation

“In the last quarter of the eighteenth century, the American Founders created a society based on the belief that human happiness is intimately connected with personal freedom and responsibility. A few people, of whom I am one, think that the Founders’ insights are as true today as they were two centuries ago. We believe that human happiness requires freedom, and freedom requires limited government. Limited government means a very small one, shorn of almost all of the apparatus we have come to take for granted during the last sixty years.

Most people are baffled by such views. Don’t we realize that this is post-industrial America, not Jefferson’s agrarian society? This book tries to explain how we can believe the less government, the better. It contains no footnotes. It has no tables and but a single graph. My purpose is to explain a way of looking at the world.” –Charles Murray, from the Introduction

The twin pillars of the nation created by America’s Founders were strict limits on the power of central government and strict protections of individual rights. Now, at the close of the twentieth century, that state is gone–and Charles Murray wants to bring it back. In What It Means to Be a Libertarian, he offers a radical blueprint for overhauling our dysfunctional government and replacing it with a system that fosters human happiness because it safeguards human freedom.

Most Americans, Murray argues, have reluctantly come to accept that a sprawling, costly, and intrusive government is an inevitable part of modern life. What It Means to Be a Libertarian encourages each of us to liberate ourselves from ingrained ideas of what government is and consider instead what it ought to be. Imagine, for example, a federal government that is not just smaller, but small, with an executive branch reduced to the White House and trimmed-down departments of state, defense, justice, and environmental protection. Imagine a federal code stripped of all but a handful of regulations and a Congress so limited in power that it spends only a few months of each year in session. Imagine a society in which the government’s role is once again to prevent people from initiating the use of force, leaving them otherwise free, in the words of Thomas Jefferson, “to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement.”

In this very personal book, Charles Murray paints a vivid portrait of life in a genuinely free society. He explains why limited government would lead to greater individual fulfillment, more vital communities, and a richer culture. He shows why such a society would have stronger families, fewer poor people, and would care for the less fortunate far better than does the society we havenow.

Writing in the tradition of the Revolutionary pamphleteers, Charles Murray has crafted a brilliant treatise that presents a clear, workable alternative to our
current government. Without footnotes, in plain language, What It Means to Be a Libertarian returns to the truths our Founders held to be self-evident
and applies them, justly and compassionately, to this country’s most urgent social and political problems.

3 Replies to “What It Means to Be a Libertarian: A Personal Interpretation”

  1. An Elegant Vision As an introduction to libertarianism, Charles Murray’s “What It Means to Be a Libertarian” is often compared to David Boaz’s “Libertarianism: A Primer” which also came out in 1997. They are both excellent, but completely different in style and approach. Murray’s book is shorter (roughly half the length), more theoretical and philosophical, and calm in tone. He conveys an elegant vision for how society ought to function, and argues convincingly why this is realistic…

  2. Hey folks,Charles Murray has a great talent for explaining and simplifying things. Libertarian thought is very much targeted toward personal freedom and personal responsibility and the rights of other folks to also have personal freedom and responsibility. Murray’s “interpretation” of libertarian principals is very astute and should be simple for us as a society to accomplish. While I applaud his idealism and hope for our libertarian future, the negative skeptic in me…

  3. A concise, readable overview of libertarian thought. The book can serve as an introduction to someone exploring the topic and presents some of the most fundamental anti-big-government arguments, eg. the trendline test or the regulation opt-out thought experiment.The reader should note, however, that this is only the author’s personal interpretation of libertarianism and does not provide a comprehensive overview. Indeed, Murray’s “small” government features services such as a…

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