White, Right, and Libertarian

White, Right, and Libertarian is a compilation of sociopolitical essays which accomplish three major tasks: First, libertarianism (a.k.a. anarcho-capitalism) is strictly defined and grounded in the private property ethic, contrary to the practice of so-called left-“libertarians”; second, the notion that open state borders and “freedom of movement” are positions derived from libertarian principles is refuted. Finally, the alternative right (alt-right) and libertarianism are revealed as complementary movements worthy of being aligned.

3 Replies to “White, Right, and Libertarian”

  1. Decent summary and presentation of Hoppean Anarcho-Capitalism with title-related drama This book presents the ideas of Hans-Hermann Hoppe from the alt-right and more mainstream American perspective. It does a great job of clearly differentiating libertarianism from left liberalism from statism, and showing how to achieve a libertarian social order. It also clearly shows how many current choices between the right and left (closed borders and completely open ones) could be much better resolved through a libertarian, contract based solution.Somehow this book came…

  2. Controversal among libertarians I know that this particular book has caused a considerable amount of controversy among libertarians, but I decided to give this book a fair shake. I want to start off by saying that Rachels is not a racist. He makes it clear that just because he believes that there are differences between the races, he makes it clear that he doesn’t believe that the white race is superior. I personally think the accusation of Rachel being a racist is nothing more than a ploy from left-libertarians who don’t…

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